Watch Pam And Tomy porn


Having worked in the porn industry, he knew others would pay to watch surgically enhanced Pam in the throes of passion. It was well before online streaming, so at first the video was advertised on the internet and distributed as a VHS tape. Then the Internet Entertainment Group (IEG) offered paid access to the recording online.

While “Pam & Tommy” is charting the development of porn from VHS to the internet, it’s also detailing the tumultuous marriage of Anderson and Lee, making a persuasive case that the leak of the tape derailed everything about their lives. After meeting Lee on vacation in early 1995, Anderson married him only four days later. The second episode captures their bonkers courtship, complete with almost cartoonish sex scenes and increasingly wild behavior. This pair feeds into not only each other’s carnal needs but their blazing lust for everything in life. The second episode is a runaway train of crazy, culminating in a scene in which

Date: March 22, 2024